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XCS Active Body 2015-2016

Armand Ellaga - #52
- Nickname: "The Initiative"
- Family: Bamboo Triad
- Class: Tau - Spring 2014
- Hometown: Monterey, CA
- Major: Sports Medicine
- Year In School: Junior
- Hobbies: Basketball, Running, Biking
- Favorite Quote:
"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through
experience or trial and suffering
can the soul be strengthened,
ambition inspired, and success
- Fun Fact:
"Originally I thought I would major in mechanical engineering, but after I was involved in a car accident while riding my bike and receiving therapy for my knee, I decided I want to become a physical therapist"
- What Xi Chi Sigma Has Taught Me:
Confidence in my own capabilities
Jeric Lagmay - #59
Vice President
- Nickname: "The Juggernaut"
- Family: Badass Asian Mafia
- Class: Upsilon - Spring 2015
- Hometown: Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
- Major: Civil Engineering
- Year In School: Sophomore
- Hobbies:
Sports, Listening to Music, Singing,
- Favorite Quote:
"The things you do for yourself are
gone when you are gone, but the
things you do for others remain as
your legacy"
- Fun Fact:
"I can eat really fast"
- What Xi Chi Sigma Has Taught Me:
You have the potential to create
a brighter future for yourself and
the ability to become so much more.

Richard Leung - #47
- Nickname: "YAK"
- Family: Wu Wang Clan
- Class: Rho - Fall 2013
- Hometown: Hillsborough, CA
- Major: Business Administration
- Year In School: Junior
- Hobbies:
Going to the gym, Eating, Gloving,
Going to raves
- Favorite Quote:
"We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act,
but a habit"
- Fun Fact:
"The majority of my family members
are either in Taiwan or China"
- What Xi Chi Sigma Has Taught Me:
Attention to detail, never assume,
and it's never just about yourself;
it's about the bigger picture.

Jonel Ednalino - #57
UCC Representative
- Nickname: "Captain Falcon"
- Family: Xi Yakuza
- Class: Upsilon - Spring 2015
- Hometown: San Jose, CA
- Major: Mechanical Engineering
- Year In School: Sophomore
- Hobbies:
Playing Sports, Lifting, Eating Out
- Favorite Quote:
"Great things are accomplished
through the perfection of minor
- Fun Fact:
"I rep San Jose even though I've
lived 13 years in Stockton"
- What Xi Chi Sigma Has Taught Me:
The things that are worth the most
are the things you work the
hardest for.

Mickey Hou - #42
Alumni Chair
- Nickname: "Hot Pot"
- Family: Ranch 99
- Class: Nu - Fall 2010
- Hometown: Quito, Ecuador
- Major: Electrical Engineering
- Year In School: Senior
- Hobbies: Being a DJ, Gaming
- Fun Fact:
"I love to enjoy nature"
- Favorite Quote:
"I fear no the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times"
- What Xi Chi Sigma Has Taught Me:
Stay true to yourself and be humble

Timothy Lee - #48
K.O.B.E. Chair
- Nickname: "Permission Slip"
- Family: Sho'nuff Shogun of Xi Chi
- Class: Tau - Spring 2014
- Hometown: Walnut Creek, CA
- Major: Computer Science
- Year In School: Senior
- Hobbies:
Racquet sports, Hanging out with
friends, Jamming to good music
- Favorite Quote:
"The successful warrior is the
average man, with laser-like focus"
- Fun Fact:
"I understand Spanish pretty well,
and can speak it better than I speak
- What Xi Chi Sigma Has Taught Me:
Push yourself, and never be afraid to
leave your comfort zone. There's a
whole world of adventure out there
that you'll never discover if you just
play it safe.

Vince Nguyen - #53
Social Chair
- Nickname: "The Gentleman"
- Family: Sho'nuff Shogun of Xi Chi
- Class: Tau - Spring 2014
- Hometown: San Jose, CA
- Major: Pre-Pharmacy
- Year In School: Junior
- Hobbies:
Producing music, Jamming Out,
Singing, Dancing
- Favorite Quote:
"Be kind, for everyone you meet
is fighting a hard battle"
- Fun Fact:
"I've won multiple talent shows
using yo-yos"
- What Xi Chi Sigma Has Taught Me:
You're always stronger than you
think you are. Don't be afraid to
stand up for what you believe in.

Florencio Bungalon- #58
Philanthropy Chair
- Nickname: "Quick Scope"
- Family: JDMC
- Class: Upsilon - Spring 2015
- Hometown: Honolulu, HI
- Major: Education
- Year In School: Sophomore
- Hobbies:
Cooking, Community Service,
- Favorite Quote:
"Life is not about finding yourself.
It's about creating yourself"
- Fun Fact:
"I can do a soccer flip throw in"
- What Xi Chi Sigma Has Taught Me:
Hard work and dedication outdoes
natural talent. You can always
push yourself to become stronger
even at your lowest.

Viseith Le - #43
Videography Expert
- Nickname: "Akuma"
- Family: Xi Yakuza
- Class: Omicron - Spring 2012
- Hometown: Stockton, CA
- Major: Computer Science
- Year In School: Senior
- Hobbies: Football, Video Making
- Fun Fact:
"I once wrestled a polar bear"
- Favorite Quote:
"We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, therefore, is not an act
but a habit"
- What Xi Chi Sigma Has Taught Me:
Never be defeated. Always give it
your all. Be fully committed and
always reach for perfection.

Justin Soares - #51
Choreography Expert
- Nickname: "Hug Life"
- Family: Smokin' Dragon Klan
- Class: Tau - Spring 2014
- Hometown: Stockton, CA
- Major: Nursing
- Year In School: Junior
- Hobbies:
Dancing, Cooking, Cosplay
- Fun Fact:
"Was once able to do the splits
in all directions"
- What Xi Chi Sigma Has Taught Me:
Details matter
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