One of the most important skills that Xi Chi Sigma teaches you is how to be a leader. Being that Xi Chi Sigma is a smaller fraternity means that there are a number of opportunities to take on executive positions. A majority of our active brothers hold executive positions, which includes even our new members. Even if you do not hold one of these positions, Xi Chi Sigma offers you the guideline and opportunity to be an effective leader no matter what you are doing. All of our members are actively involved in all of our events. Whether it is planning a fundraiser or developing a strategy to improve academics, there is always something to do.
Even greater opportunities for leadership can be found through Xi Chi Sigma. Xi Chi Sigma is one of four organizations part of the Multicultural Greek Council (MGC). Multicultural Greek Council is the council that governs the four multicultural greek fraternities and sororities. Holding a position on the council provides an invaluable experience where you directly interact with other organizations within the council, other organizations in other councils, and the university's Office of Greek Life. Find out more about our other pillars and what we do below.